Editorial Information

Rationale for launching the journal

The IJCS is a new international peer-reviewed journal aiming at publishing high quality research findings in all sub-areas of CSR and Sustainability. The concept of corporate social responsibility is now firmly rooted on the global business agenda. By adopting sustainable CSR practices, companies can gain competitive edge, increase their market share, and boost shareholder value.

Editorial objectives and coverage

IJCS welcomes articles from different regions of the world and aims to publish articles that can be theoretical, empirical and/or policy oriented. The basic aim of the journal is to encourage research on new developments and perspectives mainly in the field of CSR and Sustainability.

Target market

Being an international journal, the natural audience for IJCS includes research students, academics, policy-makers, regulators, standard-setters and professionals in the fields of management. Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, research funding organizations, governmental and international agencies, financial institutions and exchanges, regulatory institutions and individual researchers.

Key research areas covered

  • CSR in Business strategy
  • Corporate governance
  • Ethics and CSR

Research Papers

The IJCS is an international journal that aims to publish articles in all above and other related areas of CSR and Sustainability. Manuscripts are invited from academicians and practitioners for publication consideration. The journal welcomes submissions in all areas listed above as key research topics of the journal. Each manuscript must include at most a 200 word abstract. Authors should list their contact information on a separate paper and suggest JEL classification.